《NUCO》撮影|今井正由己、冨田了平 Photo|Takayuki Imai, Ryohei Tomita
In 2016, when Assembridge NAGOYA was launched, a former sushi bar that had been vacant for about 20 years was renovated as a project of L PACK. with architects, carpenters, and participants of the Vacant-houses Renova – tion School, and opened as a social space, UCO. While UCO was used as a venue for various activities, it was demolished in October 2018 following the demolition of the nagaya area (Japanese traditional houses connected under a single ridge) and turned into a car park. Afterward, the vacant house across the street was rented and renovated by L PACK., architects, carpenters, and architecture students, and became a new base of activity named NUCO in March 2019. The history of NUCO’s former role as a knitting school is being carried on by relocating components from UCO, such as the glass doors and interior counters, and designing the space so that the functions of both UCO and NUCO are woven together. Today, NUCO is open year-round as a hub for the social circle, with a cafe run by members who have raised their hands to join its operation.
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オープン日時 | 木曜、金曜、土曜 OPEN 12:00–18:00(L.O.17:30) *第2・第4金曜日 12:00–20:00(L.O.19:30) *新型コロナウイルスの感染状況によっては、変更や休業の可能性があります。 |
場所 | NUCO |
Open | Open from Thurthday to Saturday 12:00–18:00(L.O.17:30) *Second and fourth Friday of the month: 12:00–20:00(L.O.19:30) * Depending on the infection status of covid-19, it may be changed or closed. |
Place | NUCO |